Friday, February 24, 2012

Labeling and treatment guidelines for bisphosphonates ...

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that the risk is a rare type of femur (hip) fractures in people who take drugs known as bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis. The agency warned patients and health workers, the risk on October 13, 2010, as a rare type of hip fracture was mainly reported in patients taking these drugs. FDA says the risk of hip fracture will be reflected in the labeling change bisphosphonates drugs that treat osteoporosis in hidi treatment that will be required to give patients when they raise their recipe. Bisphosphonates class of drugs that slow or prevent bone loss. They successfully used since 1995 to prevent and treat osteoporosis and similar diseases.diseases of the lymphatic and immune system Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become weak and break more often. FDA says it is not clear whether bisphosphonates cause unusual bone breaks known as podvertelnyh hip fractures that occur just below the hip and femoral diaphyseal fractures that occur in the long thigh. Medication management, re-marking

change labeling and medication guide will affect only bisphosphonates approved for osteoporosis. These include oral bisphosphonates

, like Actonel, Actonel with Calcium, Atelvia, Боніва, Fosamax, Fosamax Plus D, and to generics

Marking and medication guides for bisphosphonates used for other conditions remain unchanged . FDA says that the optimal duration of bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis unknownan uncertainty Agency highlights because these fractures may be associated with the use of bisphosphonates for more than five years. FDA doctor Teresa Keho, MD, says that the Agency continues to evaluate data on the safety and efficacy of bisphosphonates in long-term use to treat osteoporosis. Meanwhile, its value for patients and medical professionals that all safety information in determining the best course of treatment of osteoporosis, she says. If you are currently bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis, FDA reports that you

read the manual. He will tell the symptoms of atypical fracture of the femur. The guide also advises to notify health care professional if you develop symptoms

tell your doctor if you develop a new hip or thigh pain (usually described as dull or aching pain), or you have a problem with drugs

Online: Email: Use post paid, pre-addressed FDA form 35004, are available online

fax: phone: FDA recommends that health workers consider the risk in patients taking lasix and heart failure bisphosphonates and The periodic reassessment of the need to continue therapy, bisphosphonates, especially for patients who have been on bisphosphonates for more than five years. This paper appears in, which includes the latest FDA regulated products. Submitted. October 13, 2010 << >>

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