Friday, February 24, 2012

I will not take any prescription drugs to

Best Books for the prevention and treatment. Includes definition of what it means in comparison with osteoporosis. Read my When

my doctor pointed out years ago that I was at high risk of osteoporosis, for

my history and scoliosis (in time) my slim build, I started

read everything I could about osteopenia and osteoporosis prevention and treatment

. Of the many books that I looked at that are currently available at

articles, books reviewed below are the ones I found most useful

. In the book Food and our bones

author focuses on osteoporosis, but it also discusses the health of bones

and bone density in general. Book

Preventing Osteoporosis and back is also designed for people with osteoporosis, but because it covers various

bone density treatment factors such as diet, exercise

magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc, it should be

valuable reading for people with any related bone health such as osteopenia >> << (predecessor state of osteoporosis), osteomalacia

and rickets. I think

advice from those books that helped me keep my bones strong. I

was a bone density test at age 45 years, and my bones are fine. This is despite >> << that I have at least 4 major risk factors for bone density

problems, including:

Interestingly, I do not drink milk

only liquid dairy products I do not take any pills calcium

and I will not take any prescription drugs to keep my bones strong. (Recent research has linked popular osteoporosis drug prescription, including

Fosamax, with osteonecrosis / osteoporosis jaw (dead jaw bone). Check the paper in

in PubMed. When you click on the link >> << You can click on the appropriate tab articles in PubMed >> << page for more information).

Since I beat >> << odds against low bone density? All I do exercise regularly (walking, dancing and yoga

) and is as healthy as I can, including many nondairy products

high calcium content. There are a number of good diet and exercise for Boards >> << books below, including many osteoporosis prevention tips lasix 200 mg

often overlooked by doctors and the media. This book

good look at a wide range of existing medical research on bone density

and presents them in a compressed format. This is head and shoulders above

simple advice that I see on many websites only take hormones

and drink milk. This book gave me about a hundred different factors

consider to keep my bones strong, including many diet and exercise advice.

After consideration, probably hundreds of actual research on osteoporosis and osteopenia

, the author shows that there are many other factors affecting your

under strong bones than just taking hormones recipe

or calcium alone. I thought that was great

book on osteoporosis bone and overall health, and probably

one of the most well studied and well documented books I ever read

in my life, on which topic. If

Are you one of my regular readers who like the location of my site

You may like the way this book is presented, too, for

I tried the whole picture website after way of presenting the material in the book

Dr. Gaby. The following are only

some of the factors considered and included in the book Dr. Gaby suggests

osteoporosis prevention. (Click to view the abstract for

actual research base Dana

, on the "Web site.):

This is just a sample of research and reviews the factors in the book of Dr. Gaby. If

you are interested in a comprehensive osteoporosis and osteopenia prevention

and treatment program that emphasizes the role of supplements, diets and exercise

more conventional medical treatments like hormone therapy

, it would be a good book to read. Click here for

excerpt from this book - Alan R. Gaby MD (Excerpts from

Prevention of osteoporosis and back Posted Prima Publishing). . << >>

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